Advice to the Ministry of Agriculture (Nicaragua), involved in community participation, co-operative development, resettlement, development of peasant agriculture [1.5 years]
Advice to regional delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture (Nicaragua), in the field of local institutions and local economic development [9 months]
Advice to the National Union of Farmers and Cattle Ranchers (Nicaragua), for co-operative and institutional development [9 months]
Consultancy to the NEI [Netherlands Economic Institute] backstopping team for a large Integrated Rural Development programme with the regional government of the 9th region [Central South] of Chile, targeting the rural indigenous population, the Mapuches [in 5 years: 8 short-term missions]
Project Coordination of a large training project 'Gender and the Media in Romania' (Romania & Moldova), focusing on public education, awareness raising on gender issues, and communication [1.5 years].
Short-term identification missions to Romania and Ukraine on gender, environment and communication.